Saturday 25 October 2014

It's not about the place, it's the people!

I can truly say I love all of my companions, and the other missionaries I served around during my time in England and Australia. I am grateful I had for the opportunity I had to be around them, to learn from them all, for we can learn something new from each person we speak, if we only listen with love.

The time I spent with Sister Wen was short but sweet. I love her dearly, and can't wait to be able to be reunited with her (not too long now, she finishes in less then 2 transfers!) Hopefully pop up to Liverpool for her homecoming! So exciting!

 I must admit, we didn't have the greatest start. I was stubborn, new to the mission life, felt completely out of my depth, wondering what on earth had possessed me to give up every sense of comfort I had back home! But she truly led by example.

It is with some regret I look back on my second day in the mission. We were just starting companionship study which includes singing a hymn, much to my horror! 'Surely we can bypass this today?' I had never sung in front of anyone before. And I really really did not want to start either. I cannot sing. For the life of me. However, Sister Wen refused to skip the hymn, so we continued to sit in silence for the next 50 mins, avoiding each others eye contact. Finally the Elders knocked on the door to drop our area book round and we had a reason to avoid the topic. Ashamedly. I felt awful for being so stubborn, but I was so afraid of singing in front of her or anyone. Thankfully I soon got over this fear and we were able to have companionship study the rest of the days I was there and the rest of my mission... ;)

Once we got over the initial first week together things started to improve. Sister Wen was an excellent example of a diligent and faithful missionary to me. She would always be working, even while we cooked dinner, we would flick through the area book sorting out the different suburbs, who we could potentially visit, where we could go finding on the way, and started to create a plan of how we could work in the ward and what needed to be done. 

We soon came into contact with Lesley. One of the less actives in the ward. She worked on Sundays so wasn't able to attend church, or even sacrament meeting. We soon came to love her. As we came to get to know her, we asked about her baptism and other general questions. She told us of how she had to overcome her fear of water, how she didn't agree with being called 'sister' and refused to answer to anyone who addressed her as Sister. We shared a message about the Book of Mormon with her, how much it meant to both of us and how it has changed out lives for the better. Afterwards Lesley opened up explaining how a few years ago she had stopped reading it. She had stopped in Jacob 5, as she didn't understand any of it, it just didn't make sense no matter how she read it, and she hadn't really picked it up since. We then offered to read it together when we next came round, and help her understand it. She was grateful for the suggestion and took us up on our offer. 

And so we went round to her house twice a week, each time reading a few more verses from Jacob 5 and discussing what we learnt. The first time we started read a few verses going round taking turns, then would stop every few and share our opinions of what it was saying. I loved listening to what they both had to say, they both saw it in a very different way and it opened my eyes. Then it came to my turn. Panic. 'Well, I can't really share what I learnt, it wasn't as good as what you just said. I don't even understand this chapter yet. I don't know anything!' I would think. But I would stumble and attempt to form some kind of opinion around the verses we had read, then thinking 'How on earth am I going to get through this mission when I can't even understand the scriptures?!' 

What she said next made it all worth while, the doubts flushed away temporarily. 'I'm starting to understand! I see what it's saying to me.' We were all filled with excitement! She knew that the spirit was helping her to understand and her eyes were being opened. She loved how we all gained something different, how we could all read something and gain what we needed at that time. I am grateful for spirit and it's power, that when we try our best, it will be there to make up the rest. 

"And the spirit shall be given unto you by the prayer of faith; and if ye receive not the Spirit ye shall not teach"

I loved those evenings we spent with Lesley! She was so kind-hearted and welcoming, grateful for our visits. I was so sad when I had to leave! I didn't even have a chance to say goodbye to this wonderful lady! I look forward to being able to visit her when Sister Wen finishes her mission. Last I heard she was back at church, working towards going through the temple for the first time. The joy I felt when I heard that news was insuperable! I pray that one day I shall be able to go with her and sit in the celestial room with her, and feel our Father's love. 

After a few of those evenings with Lesley, I took the opportunity to study Jacob 5 more fully. It is one chapter I often neglected to read, because I just found it confusing. Branch goes into vine...then he takes the branch and puts it into another vine?! Great...?  Jacob 5 is now one of my favourite chapters in the Book of Mormon. It really shows Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ's love for each of us, and how much he really does care for us. They are willing to do so much, and desire with all their hearts that we return to them. 

My favourite verses would have to be Jacob 5:71-51

'...If ye labour with your might with me ye shall have joy in the fruit which I shall lay up unto myself against the time which will soon come. 
And it came to pass that the servants did go and labour with their mights; and the Lord of the vineyard laboured also with them...
And thus they laboured, with all diligence, according to the commandments of the Lord of the vineyard...and they became like unto one body; and the fruits were equal; and the Lord preserved unto himself the natural fruit, which was most precious unto him from the beginning. 
...And blessed art thou; for because ye have been diligent in labouring with me in my vineyard and have kept my commandments, and have brought unto me again the natural fruit, that my vineyard is no more corrupted, and the bad is cast away, behold ye shall have joy with me because of the fruit of my vineyard'

I especially love the part where it explains that when we labour with our mights, the Lord will be with us also. We are never truly alone in this work. He loves each and everyone of us, so He will be there to guide us as we help others find their way back to Christ, as we invite them to change and come closer to Him. It is His work we are doing. And it truly is a great work. We are so blessed to be able to be a part of it, whether full-time missionary or member. 

Bear in Mind; 
'Faith, hope, charity and love, with an eye single to the glory of God, qualify him for the work...Ask, and ye shall receive; knock, and it shall be opened unto you.' 

We need no badge, we need no set level of knowledge. Only a desire and love for our fellow men, knowing that our Christ shall help us with the rest. 
Every member is a missionary! 

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