Monday 24 November 2014

Australia!! I think I was dreaming...

1st of January 2014. What better date could you arrive into the mission?! I arrived on the same plane as Sister Kirabyashi from Japan who I had met in Los Angeles! I was so happy to find someone else finally going to the same mission. Our in-take was rather big looking at those which came after us. Straight from the airport we headed to a place were we had our photos in front of the Sydney Opera House, I only wish I had remembered to take my camera. We each had our photo with President and Sister Howes, by ourselves and as a group. I had the wonderful opportunity of serving around a few of these missionaries especially Sister Schwalger who came with me to my first area, Quakers Hill. Then later on Sister Muramoto, who became Sister Schwalgers second companion. They were such a cute companionship and hard-workers! =)

My intake. 1st of January 2014. What better way to start a year! ♥

Heading back to the car after the photos I was just so taken in by everything, I wanted to touch everything, take photos, listen, take time to see it all. I was so distracted by everything! Subtly nearly walking into a way to start your mission on the right foot, having the stupidest response to doing so...'Oh, I do that all the time' Really?! That's the one thing that came to my mind in that situation?! Smooth.

My first thoughts. It's so green? Where's all the desert and kangaroos? It was SO exciting, it drew me in, I felt like I was dreaming. Maybe it was tiredness kicking in from lack of sleep. But it was almost MAGICAL! There was so much to take in. Strange looking plants and trees, insects with the weirdest sounds...wait, some people have lost their budgies! I wrote in my journal that night 'super jet-lagged and delusional right now. p.s BIRDS MAKE COOL SOUNDS' Yep. My thoughts of the day.

After the airport, and our little trip to the Sydney Opera House we went to the mission office and had our New Missionary Training. Soon after our trainers came in and sat around the tables too, and did our recitations (I thought I would never be able to learn them, especially D+C 121:33-46. It's so long!) and we went around the room sharing our testimonies. It was strengthening to hear others testimonies and learn of why they decided to serve.

After lunch? we were to be assigned our companions. I had spoken to Sister Manu and Sister McKinnon during the break, and felt it would be one of them, just wasn't sure which. I soon found out that it was Sister McKinnon, but they both served in the same ward so I would be living with both of them! I was so excited. Sister McKinnon and I just clicked and got on so well. We soon got onto role-playing how to share our testimonies in our new wards, much to my joy. I was extremely glad I didn't have to share it with the whole group. Pretty sure I would have just frozen and stood at the front rather stupidly.

Just after our little role-plays, our first day together!
Sister McKinnon was from Utah, Kaysville! I have so much love for her! She was an amazing trainer. She had so much patience, love, was understanding and kind. I am to grateful for the 4 months we were able to serve together! We were able to have so much fun together while serving. Through everything she supported me and picked me up when I was struggling, of which I am thankful, even if I didn't show so at the time. So many wonderful memories, laughs and miracles together of which I hold close to my heart.

I was extremely excited to get back to work, after the past 2 weeks at the MTC, and couldn't wait to meet the ward in which we were serving! But soon those little fears crept in. How on earth am I meant to teach members, they know so much more then us, they have experienced so much more then us, we are only young?! I don't know anything. Sure, I know the gospel, but they know it better. Why would anyone listen to me, I can't say anything right. Oh, please don't ask a question, I won't know the answer! I'll never be as good a missionary as my companion, she knows everything!

I look back and wished I'd have seen the true purpose behind it all. Yes, members do know it, but every reminder is worth it. Can we ever really hear this message too much? We are sharing Jesus Christ's message and we will be directed as to what to share. But then, would I think any different now? I'm not sure. I hope I would...Time will tell I guess. I would definitely pray to. 

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